
Product Introduction

T7 SERIES CUTTER:Recently developed product is synthesized under the conditions of high temperature and high pressure of 7.5GPa & 1600℃. The wear resistance of this product has topped its counterparts within China.

product name:T7 SERIES CUTTER
Release time:2023-03-31 09:00:00
Times of browsing:
  • 1308-T7

    Diameter: 13.44±0.02mm
    Height: 8.00±0.05mm
    Table height: 2.1±0.2mm
    Impact: 45J×10 times
    VTL: >200
    High- temperature Resistance: 750 °C  10 min


    Diameter: 13.44±0.02mm
    Height: 13.20±0.05mm
    Table height: 2.1±0.2mm
    Impact: 45J×10 times
    VTL: >200
    High- temperature Resistance: 750 °C  10 min


    Diameter: 15.88±0.02mm
    Height: 13.20±0.05mm
    Table height: 2.1±0.2mm
    Impact: 50J×10 times
    VTL: >200
    High- temperature Resistance: 750 °C  10 min


    Diameter: 19.05±0.02mm
    Height:  13.20±0.05mm
    Table height: 2.1±0.2mm
    Impact: 60 J×10 times
    VTL: >200
    High- temperature Resistance: 750 °C  10 min


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